Does NoFap make you Happier?

Does NoFap make you happier

Does NoFap make you happier? I can’t give you a straightforward answer to this frequently asked question. Why? Firstly, the NoFap journey isn’t a straightforward one. Secondly, happiness—just like any other emotion—is transient. It’s impossible for you to be happy all the time. Life’s filled with both negative and positive experiences. And if you think … Read more

10 Famous people on NoFap challenge and semen retention that will inspire you

famous people on nofap

Although, it was a Pittsburgh web developer; Alexander Rhodes (and his friends) that pioneered the new-age NoFap online movement, make no mistake, the concept of harnessing sexual energy for a purpose has been part of ancient practices throughout our history. As you’ll soon learn, famous people across our history have tried a form of NoFap … Read more

NoFap hair loss: The only way you can use NoFap to cure your hair loss

nofap hair

NoFap hair loss is one of the most controversial topics you can come across in the NoFap community. This controversy is down to the fact that some people claim that NoFap helped them reverse—and re-generate—a receding hairline. And, of course, there are pictures of these people making these claims as physical evidence. And if you … Read more

NoFap and Testosterone: Does NoFap increase your Testosterone levels?

nofap testosterone guy in the gym

NoFap and testosterone are two things that are intricately linked and deserve our attention. Testosterone is the ultimate hormone that’s responsible for everything masculine in a man. Testosterone has been dubbed the ‘sex hormone’ after several studies conducted on it. Researchers have also told us that testosterone is; the attractive hormone in a man, the … Read more

Nofap Attraction: Does Nofap Make you a more Attractive person?

NoFap attraction

The dating world’s complicated. Especially for people who don’t have that “attraction factor”—as the dating gurus call it. The “attraction factor” is that innate vitality that draws people to you like a moth to a flame. And because our generation is busily PMOing this vitality into the tissue, being an attractive man’s become difficult. The … Read more

Nofap and Premature Ejaculation: Can Nofap cure your PE?

nofap and premature ejaculation effects on marriage and sex

One of the most frustrating things that happen to men in the course of their lifetime, at one time or the other, is premature ejaculation. The feeling of inadequacy and embarrassment when you ejaculate too quickly is immeasurable. Even if your partner was nice about it, and didn’t really make a big deal out of … Read more

Nofap and Erectile Dysfunction: How to use nofap to regain your erection

nofap and erectile dysfunction a man sober and sad

Erectile Dysfunction is one of the major reasons why a lot of people do the nofap challenge. This makes nofap and erectile dysfunction two topics that have somehow become entangled. Though a lot of people believe there’s a connection between pornography and erectile dysfunction, when it comes to the question of if porn causes Erectile … Read more