Nofap Attraction: Does Nofap Make you a more Attractive person?

The dating world’s complicated.

Especially for people who don’t have that “attraction factor”—as the dating gurus call it.

The “attraction factor” is that innate vitality that draws people to you like a moth to a flame.

And because our generation is busily PMOing this vitality into the tissue, being an attractive man’s become difficult.

The dating industry (a multi-billion dollar industry) has caught a whiff of this.

So, they peddle lots of shinny, mind-hacking-hypnotic-psychology crap—that never works for anybody—to a lot of guys.

The dating gurus tell these guys that using those hacks is the only hope they have of getting laid.


If you were a friend of mine, I would advise you to keep your money for something meaningful and go on NoFap for 3 months.

I know what you’re thinking right now!

Right now you’re thinking NoFap attraction is nothing more than a placebo.

But I’m here to tell you that doing NoFap will make you more attractive—100 times more attractive.

NoFap attraction

You can take that to the bank!!

The idea of becoming a more attractive guy was what motivated me to give NoFap a try. And it’s paid the dividend.

Suppose I wasn’t on NoFap the day I met the love of my life, the old PMO-addict acne-ridden-faced me won’t have had the confidence to walk up to her and say “hi”.

Before I get into the relationship between NoFap and attraction, let’s make some important distinctions;

NoFap attraction is much more than just sexual attraction

People think NoFap attraction is limited to just attracting sexual partners.

I used to make this assumption as well.

But the longer I did NoFap, the more I realized there are other forms of attraction that NoFap brings;

  1. When you are on NoFap, a girl might become more attracted to you in a not-so-sexual way.

Female—family members, co-workers, friends, acquaintances—react to me differently when I’m on NoFap.

Somehow, they trust me more with serious emotional issues.

Females start telling me their deepest darkest secrets.

It’s one of the most profound and powerful magic of NoFap that I still experience to date.

I’ve had a female friend narrate her experience of being almost raped by her brother’s friend.

And after telling me the whole story, she asked me, “why am I telling you all this today?”

And up until that moment, she had never told anyone about it. Not even her parents.

  1. NoFap attraction is not limited to the females

If you’re a guy on NoFap, the attraction you experience is not limited to the opposite sex.

You’ll start commanding the respect of other men.

Your guy-friends and men you don’t know will suddenly want to be around you all the time.

And when you’re having conversations with them, they hear your voice more and they tend to agree with you more.

Your male co-workers talk with you more, respect you more, and in an almost uncanny way, they’ll want to be friends with you.

Another thing you’ll notice is when you’re walking down the street, strangers will give you a nod and some will even greet you as you pass them by.

It’s as if they’re getting a whiff of your energy and just want to be a part of it.

  1. Females on NoFap, you get the NoFap attraction factor too

Back when I first discovered NoFap, I used to assume that only guys get addicted to porn.

But since then, the percentage of females who are addicted to porn and masturbation has skyrocketed.

Since I started this blog, the amount of emails I’ve received from females who are also on NoFap is surprising.

I have real-life female friends that have outrightly confessed their porn addiction to me.

And based on what I’ve gathered, the sexual energy that females cultivate when they don’t PMO also makes them super-attractive.

  1. NoFap and law of attraction

When you complete the NoFap challenge, you get all your attractor factors tuned up to a 110.

And as time goes on, you’ll start seeing that you easily manifest the things you want in your life in an uncanny way.

If you want to learn how NoFap can do this for you, you can read this comprehensive post on the relationship between NoFap and the Law of attraction.


If you’re thinking that there’s no way in hell NoFap can induce this much attraction, let me take you on a short thought-provoking journey.

In this short journey, you’ll hear the secret of attraction from the General Manager of hell himself; the devil.

What the few—2% of the whole world population knows

Napoleon Hill was far ahead of his time.

He wrote a book called outwitting the devil back in 1938.

does nofap make you more attractive person

What he did in the book was interview the devil.

With the interview, he forced the devil to reveal his most priced secrets.

Back in 1938 when he wrote this book, PMO addiction wasn’t as rampant as it is today.

Heck, there was no Internet Porn back then.

Yet, Napoleon Hill accurately predicted the side-effects of excessive PMOing.

Since 1938, everything he talked about is playing out to date. And it will continue to play out till the end of time if society doesn’t wake up from its deep slumber.

In the book, the devil revealed the following side-effects of excessive PMOing on one’s level of attraction;

  1. PMO depletes the magnetic energy which is the source of an attractive, pleasing personality.
  2. It removes the sparkle from one’s eyes and sets up discord in the tone of one’s voice.
  3. It increases one’s level of fear
  4. It strips one of his confidence
  5. It makes one lazy and procrastinate.
  6. It strips one of the fighting qualities necessary under all circumstances for self-defense.
  7. It makes one a quitter, not a winner.

What the devil listed above is common sense because we all know that girls are naturally attracted to a guy that;

  • has sparkling intoxicating eyes,
  • has a deep voice,
  • is fearless,
  • is confident,
  • is successful, and,
  • is a winner.

The devil claimed that only 2 out of 100 people have these qualities.

That’s why it’s only about 2% of the guys you know that aren’t addicted to PMOing.

I recommend that anybody on nofap should listen to this book or read it. You can listen to it for free by clicking here.

6 Reasons why NoFap makes you a more attractive person

Let’s take a look at the scientifically (and esoterically) proven reasons why doing NoFap will increase your attractive qualities.

Let’s see if science has caught up with Mr. Hill in his school of thought.

  1. Your T-Levels Jump up on NoFap

In an attempt to pinpoint the science behind attraction, researchers have gone to work.

What they’ve all concluded is that the testosterone hormone plays a vital role in attraction.

Testosterone has been dubbed the attraction hormone.

nofap testosterone

Researchers at Aberdeen University confirmed this in a study where they asked the participants to complete short facial preference tests.

They found that the higher the T-levels in men, the stronger the female participants were attracted to them.

Another study linked higher testosterone levels with the ability to ‘woo’ potential mate.

Also, a 2011 study linked high T-levels with dominance and higher ‘chemistry’ with the opposite sex.

When you’re on NoFap, after the second week, you get a testosterone jump.

So, NoFap directly leads to an increase in T-levels.

PMO addicts initially diagnosed with low T-levels have reported that their T-levels was increased tremendously when they got tested—after months on NoFap.

That’s why after 2 weeks on NoFap, guys start seeing girls make eye contact with them.

And with time on Nofap, girls start dropping other subtle attraction signs that girls drop for guys they’re attracted to.

To fast-track to the highest level of testosterone (together with your NoFap); that can make you become a very attractive man with several groups of lean muscle, deeper voice, a more masculine frame, check out this all-natural product that has REALLY helped me.

  1. Your face and your body appearance changes on NoFap

nofap attraction

At the risk of sounding cliché, the clearer your skin is, the more attractive you are.

This has been proven by researchers to be true.

Perry at the Arizona State University in 1998 gave pictures of facially attractive and unattractive people to 57 undergraduate students and asked them to fill a questionnaire on their level of attractiveness to those people in the pictures.

As you might have guessed, objectification quickly set in, and the more acne-free and testosterone-fueled the face was, the more attracted the opposite sex was to that picture.

To get a testosterone-fueled face, check out this all-natural product.

In 2011, Anthony et al., also revealed that having a testosterone-fueled face not only influence your level of attractiveness, but it also influences other things like;

  • choosing you to be president,
  • choosing you as a platonic friend, and
  • it also enhances your social exchange.

What does this have to do with NoFap attraction?

When you’re on NoFap for a long time, you have clearer skin, and eyes that sparkle.

This might be because of all the nutrients you’re retaining in your sperm (the sperm contains about 252mg of protein per ejaculation) or the T-levels jump.

Also, when you’re on NoFap, you retain muscle mass even if you’re not working out.

At the end of the day, it all culminates into one thing; Attraction.

  1. You become more self-centered on NoFap

You might be wondering how becoming a more self-centered person can make you more attractive.

I want you to know that there’s no attraction-killer out there more powerful than being desperate.

Desperation—for attention, for love, for sex, for anything—turns people off.

If you look at how attraction works, the girls you are desperate to be with won’t be into you.

It’s those that you’re not giving any attention that will be obsessed with you.

If you’re that guy that calls a girl a zillion times in a day, that guy that’s always in her face, always texting her, what you’re communicating to her is that you don’t have a life of your own.

You don’t want to be that guy!

The pillar of attraction is counter-intuitive.

The more you take care of yourself, the more emotionally-independent, physically-independent, and attention-independent you are, the more attractive you become.

That’s my definition of being self-centered in this context.

You have to love yourself first before you can give love to others.

You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others.

And lastly, you have an obligation to devote your time to yourself first, before you can give your time to others.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.”

What you gain when you’re on NoFap for a long time is this NEED to work on yourself to become a better version of yourself.

In other words, NoFap brings self-love as part of the benefits of NoFap challenge.

When you start loving yourself, you start to REALLY live for yourself. You start working on yourself.

NoFap gives you the energy and the drive to do this.

And as you’re filling your calendar with activities that are empowering you, you are no more reeking of desperation.

Instead, you’re radiating a personality that loves himself and has enough love left to give to others.

This is one of the most attractive qualities a man can have. And NoFap hands it to you on a platter of gold.

  1. NoFap makes you a good conversationalist

Females are attracted to good conversationalists. Who isn’t?

Someone that can hold a conversation for hours, and not only hold it, but make it meaningful (and fun) are rare gems.

A PMO addict has an impaired prefrontal cortex. This is the renowned brain fog that every PMO addict suffers from.

This impairment is caused by the over-stimulation of the reward circuit in the limbic system of the brain.

One of the functions of the prefrontal cortex is something called working memory.

Your working memory is known as your mental bandwidth.

Your working memory capacity determines your ability to hold and manipulate short-term information.

The kicker is this; with the impaired prefrontal cortex, your working memory is working at low capacity.

If you’ve paid attention, when you were PMOing like a crazy person, you forget things.

Things Like;

  • where you put your keys,
  • errands you had to run,
  • birthdays, and
  • other little details like that.

And when you’re in conversation with people, these brain farts also occur.

You run out of what to say quickly. Especially when you’re conversing with females and you’re a little bit nervous.

But when you go on NoFap, you’re rebooting your prefrontal cortex. And as a direct result, you’re increasing the capacity of your working memory.

With time on NoFap, you’ll no more be lost of words.

You’ll have that clarity in your brain to choose your words correctly. And on top of that, you’ll be more articulate to pass your message across.

This is why guys on NoFap would say they’re more talkative around girls and are now equipped with the ability to sustain an engaging conversation with them.

  1. You become emotionally richer when you’re on NoFap

One thing that excessive PMOing does to you is that it emotionally numbs you.

Heck, when I was a PMO addict, my grandpa (whom I was close with) died and I didn’t feel a thing.

Coupled with being emotionally numb, what porn also trains your brain to objectify females. The side-effect of this is you have a hard time connecting to girls emotionally.

When you are on nofap, gradually, you start getting in touch with your emotions. Not only that, you start feeling other people’s emotions in a much healthier way.

You start realizing how much of a jerk you’ve been in the past to those closest to you.

“I’m sorry grandpa! Blame it on the porn!!”

How does this translate into an attraction factor?

Being an emotionally rich person means you can easily create an “emotional match” with others.

Emotionally matching others is as hypnotic as attraction gets.

And it’s one of the surefire ways of subconsciously creating rapport with others.

When people move closer to you, you give them emotional satisfaction and security.

When you’re on NoFap, you’re matching other people’s emotions on autopilot.

Also, when the porn goggles come off, and you’re no more objectifying the females in your life, your relationship with them is taken to another height.

  1. You get more sexual energy on NoFap

Let’s go into the esoteric realm for a while.

You are a spiritual being living in a physical body.

Every second of every day, you are radiating energy.

This energy is often referred to as vibes, aura, pheromones, amongst other names—depending on the circle you’re in.

Have you ever met someone and you just didn’t like them?

And other times, other people, you meet them and instantly feel attracted to them?

You can’t place what they did, or what they said, but you’re just attracted to them.

This phenomenon isn’t that esoteric anymore.

Science caught up with it when Dr. Kahneman made a classification of the brain as consisting of two systems—in his remarkable book thinking fast and slow.

One of those brain systems is the instinctive system—which he called system 1.

This system is an associative machine that jumps to conclusions by associating data that’s in its memory bank with what it’s currently perceiving externally.

What you call vibes/aura is actually subtle cues you’re dropping that the other person’s system 1 is making associations with—to conclude if he/she likes you or not.

When it comes to making attraction associations, there are so many cues system 1 use.

For instance, the shape of your face, your muscle mass, your posture, the tone of your voice, the color of your eyes, the type of shoe you wear, how you smell, and so on.

All these cues are communicating to the other person’s subconscious how successful you are, how confident you are, how capable you are as a person, and so on.

Being a PMO addict, you’re using PMO as the outlet for your sexual energy.

But when you go on NoFap, you’re cultivating this sexual energy.

Ideally, the more sexual energy you have, the more pronounced these sexual cues are.

So, nature tunes up these cues so that potential mates will pick them up.

That’s nature’s way of telling mates you’re fertile, and you’ll make a suitable and capable mating partner.

Since PMOing is not an outlet—for the life-force in you anymore, Nature provides you a different outlet.

NoFap increases your sexual energy—which changes your vibe from creepy to fertile.

This is why a lot of people on NoFap usually get back together with their ex or find a new girlfriend if they were single pre-NoFap.

Did NoFap make me a more attractive person? My Personal NoFap attraction story

When I was a chronic PMO addict, I was battling a serious acne problem.

In a single month, I get at least two acne breakouts. It was really bad.

It would be all over my face, very big and very disgusting to look at.

It got to a stage that the acne started affecting my self-esteem. So bad that I wouldn’t leave the house for weeks because of the acne.

On the body shape aspect, that wasn’t working in my favor either. I had an annoying pot belly.

I was having a hard time approaching females because of these insecurities about my face, my pot belly, and every other thing in my life.

In short, my romantic life sucked!

Then I read think and grow rich. Then I got to know about nofap. And a light bulb went off in my head.

So, I started doing nofap.

And the first thing I noticed was that whenever I’m on a nofap streak, no new acne grew on my face.

Once I’ve gotten rid of the ones already on my face, I will be acne-free as far as I’m on nofap.

And just like magic, once I relapsed, the acne would come back.

As I finally figured out how to be successful in nofap, and I was getting the nofap streaks together, my skin was starting to glow and eyes were sparkling.

The potbelly was shrinking (because I was working at getting rid of it), and from nowhere, I was getting buffed up in muscles.

I would look in the mirror and almost won’t be able to recognize the guy I looked like when I was PMOing like crazy.

I would be walking down the street and girls will be staring at me. Making eye contact and other kinds of stuff like that.

Because I’m still a very shy guy, I wouldn’t do anything about it.

But the longer my nofap streak, the more confident I was becoming. I was beginning to think that if you were already staring at me, you’ve got something about me that interests you.

So, out of all the stares from the females, the ones that I do something about (like saying hi to them), a substantial amount was resulting in something meaningful.

I was becoming talkative around girls. I was able to sustain fun conversations with them for a long time.

Gradually, I was coming out of my shell.

And my romantic life started getting really exciting.

Nofap won’t make a difference if you don’t do the work

As scintillating as my nofap attraction story looks on paper, it’s only that way because I put in the work.

Agreed, you get the occasional stare from females. But if you don’t actually walk up to them, put yourself out there, it won’t result in anything.

And believe me when I tell you that a simple “hi” can get you into that person’s life.

Another example of putting in work was me changing my diet into something healthy and having to sacrifice those things that were contributing to my protruding stomach.

Also, I had to do a lot of sit-ups to make sure the potbelly stay gone.

But nofap gave me the energy, the confidence, and the drive to do those extra work.

Anytime I’m approaching somebody I like, I know that I have the sexual energy in me doing the heavy lifting subconsciously. So, the confidence is always there.

A note of warning though, once you relapse to porn, and you go through the chaser effect, the attraction you’re enjoying is totally gone. You’ll need to build it back up with another nofap streak.

Final words: You have no competition

The porn industry has the society by the balls. No pun intended.

Most guys you meet are addicted to porn.

Most guys you meet are drained of that innate vitality that constitutes the natural attraction factor.

Of the 100 guys you meet, only 2 are probably cultivating their sexual energy. Most of the other guys that are PMO addicts are having to go the long mile to become attractive. Which isn’t the natural path that nature intended.

Thus, ideal naturally attractive men are hard to come by nowadays.

Whenever you’re on nofap, when it comes to attraction, there really isn’t competition for you. Whenever you’re on nofap, know that you’re literally joining the rare gents that’s oozing of natural attraction vitality.

Know that the energy you’re radiating is rare to come across in our society nowadays.

If you make the most of this energy, the world is your oyster.

You can do things with this energy that you can’t even fathom yet. And I mean outside the context of attraction.

If you have any question you’ll like to ask me, thoughts you’d like to add to the post, use the comment section below.

And please, please, and please, share this post. You never know who it might help.

Till we speak again, STAY FAP-FREE, STAY ATTRACTIVE.

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22 thoughts on “Nofap Attraction: Does Nofap Make you a more Attractive person?”

    • Of course.

      When you’re on nofap, the frequency of your vibration is quite high and colourful.

      For instance, all the things I wanted to manifest when I was a PMO addict kept being out of reach. Once I started retaining my sperm and started nofap, my manifestation power came alive and I was able to manifest all the things I wanted.

      Very soon I’ll write a post on the relationship between nofap and the law of attraction.

  1. HI,
    I don’t watch Porn or Masterbate.
    But I have a girlfriend and hence having sexual intercourse is a normal routine.
    And since you mentioned PMO which includes Orgasm too,
    Does nofap mean not to have sex too?

    • Hello Ravi,

      The orgasm included in the NoFap PMO is the compulsive and addictive type.
      Sex is a beautiful act. But sex and orgasm can become addictive habits. The aim of NoFap is to break free from compulsivity and addiction that is sexual.
      So, if you feel you have sex too much, or you orgasm too much, that when you don’t do it for a while and you start craving it, you might fall into the nofap bracket.

      The best way to confirm this is to try and stay off sex and orgasm for a minimum of two weeks and notice if you’ll crave it or feel discomfort up to the stage that you’ll have to have it.
      You can check out this post on NoFap to get more knowledge on what NoFap really represent.

      Hope that helped.

  2. Hey man! I’ve been struggling to accumulate a streak for almost 4 years now. This has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to attain in my life. I was a US Marine too so I’ve had quite a few triumphs. I digress though.

    This post really helped me and I’m trying to revitalize myself. I feel like if I just shut up and stick to the program I’ll be good. Thank you for an inspiring post. I’m saving it so I can read it and remind myself of the greatness that I can achieve that I don’t even understand yet. Thank you and I look forward to posting my own 90 day report but for now I’m just doing it one day at a time.

    • Hello Benny,

      I’m glad you found the post helpful.
      When it comes to NoFap, the best thing you can do as you said is to take it a step at a time.

      I wish you the best of luck on your NoFap journey.

  3. Napoleon hill was not the first person to discover No fap. Ancient sages and monks of India have been preaching Brahamacharya since 1000s of years. Sadly, it got lost through the passage of time.

    P.S- The authentic name of no-fap is Brahamacharya.

  4. I am now 16+ age and on nofap right now for 15+ days. Already done , with a lot of streaks… highest one is 30.
    I workout and meditate, but when does this attraction will occur?
    I am not craving for this…but still curious.
    And one more, please tell me your opinion regarding Law Of Attraction!!!
    Your answer will be highly appreciated.

    • Hello Subhrajit,

      1) The attraction of NoFap will happen for people at different stages, so I can’t pinpoint a particular period for you. From my experience, it’s not something that stares you in the face (except when a girl locks her eyes with yours), nofap attraction is really subtle.
      Also, I want to add that attraction qualities are mostly internal. It’s how confident you feel about yourself, how direct you’re with your approach to females, how you feel about your looks and your body… and all these culminates with time on NoFap BUT OF MORE IMPORTANCE ARE THE EFFORTS YOU PUT IN BECOMING THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. So, if you’re not seeing it now, keep your streak going and keep working on yourself, and all the things I’ve been ranting about will SURELY come.

      2) My opinion regarding the Law of Attraction is that it’s a law of nature that’s as real as the law of gravity. Although most people miss the point of putting in the work in their lives, this doesn’t make the Law of Attraction less true. And it’s not even esoteric anymore. In my uni days, I majored in Quantum physics, and I learned how LOA works. I’ve written a post on it and you can read it here.

      I hope any of what I just wrote helped.

      Have a good day

  5. hello there thanks for the post. i want to ask nofap can i help me to became responsable in the life ? i am in there since 17 years in whole life. very many person find me not reponsable.

  6. Good article, I appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into this. I’ve been interested in NOFAP for close to 10 years, it is very difficult. During that time I’ve only obtained a highest streak of about 35 days (about twice or so), almost at that point again and I finally feel like I’ve gotten it down well enough to pass that.

    The attraction factor is definitely a thing and it is real. Women take more interest, hold eye contact, and are way flirtier when I am on a streak of roughly 2 or more weeks. When on PMO there is none of this, and they typically go out of their way to ignore me.

    Any girl I have ever hooked up in the last 10 years with has been on a 2+ week streak.

    Curious to see what results will come from going beyond 35 days.


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