Nofap and Premature Ejaculation: Can Nofap cure your PE?

nofap and premature ejaculation effects on marriage and sex

One of the most frustrating things that happen to men in the course of their lifetime, at one time or the other, is premature ejaculation. The feeling of inadequacy and embarrassment when you ejaculate too quickly is immeasurable. Even if your partner was nice about it, and didn’t really make a big deal out of … Read more

Nofap and Erectile Dysfunction: How to use nofap to regain your erection

nofap and erectile dysfunction a man sober and sad

Erectile Dysfunction is one of the major reasons why a lot of people do the nofap challenge. This makes nofap and erectile dysfunction two topics that have somehow become entangled. Though a lot of people believe there’s a connection between pornography and erectile dysfunction, when it comes to the question of if porn causes Erectile … Read more