The best NoFap Porn Blockers and accountability software for NoFap success

Doing the NoFap reboot without installing NoFap porn blockers or filters (on all your devices) is like driving a car with blindfolds on.

You either get lucky—get to your destination, or, end up in a ditch somewhere.

You shouldn’t leave your NoFap success to chance—because the mere ease of accessibility to porn can sabotage you at any stage of your NoFap.

And sometimes, the act of having to “work hard” to get to porn can be what stands between you and a NoFap relapse.

NoFap Porn Blockers stop sign on the road

This is not to say that everybody needs porn filters to do a NoFap reboot. A lot of people reboot without blocking porn on any of their devices.

But, if you’re a hardcore PMO addict, don’t count yourself as one of those that’ll be able to achieve this incredible feat. Just Don’t!!

How do you know if you’re a hardcore porn addict though?

Well, have you relapsed on NoFap hard mode up to three times? If yes, then porn’s got you by the balls.

Have you ever made it past the 60-day mark of NoFap? If No, then you’re a hardcore PMO addict.

The hardcore addict needs porn filters on ALL his devices. There’s no way around it.

Forget what people say about mind over filters; the theory doesn’t apply to you.

If you’re yet to grasp the basic anatomical reason why mind over filters doesn’t apply to you, let me tell you a short story;

The battle of the century: The chimp vs. The human

Imagine a fight between a full-grown chimpanzee and yourself.

Let’s assume for a minute that you’re prime Arnold Schwarzenegger and you’re as powerful as he looked.

In the first round of the fight, you defeated the chimpanzee.

You also won the second round. And the third round. Let’s assume you kept winning till the twelfth round.

The problem is by now, you’re surely getting depleted. Your muscles are sore, your face is all bloody, and your hands are cramping up.

In the midst of all these, you look up, to see how your enemy’s faring, and you didn’t see a single scratch on him.

He even grinned at you.

That’s when you know you’re in a pickle.

What you should know about the chimp is that it never gets tired. And, it can fight you all day.

The only way it’ll stop fighting you for the day is if you give the chimp what it wants from you.

And tomorrow, you can bet your bottom dollar that the chimp will be back asking for more.

The science of why you need NoFap porn filters on ALL your devices

As dramatic as the battle between the chimp and man sounds, it’s what’s happening in the heads of billions of people every single day.

Any addict that’s walking the face of this earth is having to fight his addiction demon every day.

The part of your brain that’s addicted to the vice—be it porn, alcohol, or food, is the full-grown chimp.

The part of your brain that knows better, that knows the addiction is killing you, and wants to quit is the human.

At every stage of your NoFap, you’ll get porn cravings (to varying degrees). This is your porn brain fighting your human brain.

And because your porn brain is much stronger than your human brain (because you’re a hardcore addict), the porn brain tends to win most of the time.

The willpower paradox

The phenomenon I’ve been painting its picture is known as the willpower paradox.

This is a paradox of having to use a willpower system that’s handicapped.

This is where the whole mind over filters theory falls apart.

The willpower paradox is why many people find NoFap VERY difficult to do.

Recent neuroscience breakthroughs are now showing us that when you overwork your willpower system, it gets depleted.

So, apart from the fact that your human brain has very little power for the fight against your chimp, science is now showing us that your human brain (also) tires out quicker than we originally thought.

For some people, their human brain tires out on the 3rd day of their NoFap. For some, it’s after one week.

And some brave individuals even make it to the 50th day before their chimp deals out the knockout blow.

Your environment and your willpower

As powerful as your chimp might seem, there’s a way you can tilt the odds of NoFap success in your favor.

The chimp has no power of its own. To defeat you, it leverages two co-dependent things. Which are;

  • Porn Cravings, and
  • Your environment

Porn cravings are temporary false messages that your chimp sends to the rest of your body—to get you to believe that if you don’t jerk off to porn, you might implode.

When cravings are at their peak, if the object of addiction is easily accessible, no amount of willpower can save you.

So, the more the chimp realizes your environment isn’t optimized for NoFap success, the more cravings you get.

This is because the chimp knows it’s only a matter of time before you jerk off to porn on your phone.

Of the two tools of the chimp, the only one you have COMPLETE control over is your environment.

And since both are co-dependent, once you optimize your environment for NoFap success, the cravings decrease significantly.

So, if there’s a loophole to the willpower paradox, it’s optimizing your environment to support your new habit of not watching porn.

By optimizing your environment for NoFap success, you’re letting the NoFap porn filters and blockers do the work that you’d otherwise put on your weak willpower system.

On why you also need accountability

NoFap accountability couples happy together

Suppose there’s a coin you can flip to defeat your porn brain, if NoFap porn blockers are one side of that coin, then, accountability is the other side.

The porn brain thrives on anonymity. What accountability does well is it shines a light on your porn brain—and this decapitates it.

Accountability for porn addiction can come in three forms;

  1. To become accountable can mean taking responsibility for your actions

Once you get accountable, you’ve added a sense of something being at stake to your NoFap. This, in turn, empowers your human brain.

For instance, a way to use accountability to raise the stakes for your NoFap can be to tell your partner to hold you accountable for your porn-watching habit.

Another way can be to pay a form of penalty to someone (or a service online) whenever you relapse on NoFap.

  1. Being accountable can act as a constant reminder of why you’re doing NoFap

Most of NoFap relapses result from getting complacent. Complacency sets in when you forget why you’re doing NoFap in the first place.

Accountability in this form can be you having someone that’s gone through (or is also going through) PMO addiction to keep you accountable.

This type of accountability can be done online using apps or websites that offer this type of service.

  1. Being accountable can be surrendering control of your porn kingdom

In my experience, this is the form of accountability that pisses off the chimp the most.

It’s you taking the key to the porn kingdom and handing it over to someone else.

So that when your chimp starts acting up and craving porn, once you tell your chimp that you no longer have the keys to the kingdom, just like magic, your chimp chills the f*** out.

It’s as simple as having someone else password ALL NoFap porn filters and NoFap porn blockers on ALL your devices for a limited time.

You should give this a try. It’s very powerful.

The best NoFap porn blockers and accountability softwares on the market

The difficulties that most people face when it comes to porn filters and accountability softwares for NoFap are;

  • finding effective and non-intrusive porn blockers for their mobile devices that don’t limit the functionality of their devices,
  • finding porn filters and porn blockers that they can’t personally circumvent,
  • finding accountability softwares or accountability partners,
  • the monthly cost of effective porn blockers and accountability softwares is too expensive,
  • and the problem of getting a porn blocker with accountability features in one place.

With all these problems in mind, let’s look at the top apps and softwares that solve these problems;

  1. My customized porn blocker and accountability software

When I was creating my NoFap porn filters and accountability software, I was personally going through ALL these problems that many people like me were having.

With a lot of hard work and testing, I was able to come up with the ultimate NoFap porn blocker and accountability software; ALL IN ONE PLACE.

I’m proud to say that this is the only software on the market that solves ALL the problems that a lot of people face with NoFap porn blockers, filters, and accountability software.

This is the only software you’ll see that has customized accountability in the best form to appease the chimp brain the most.

Getting this software means;

  • You get ways to block porn on ALL your mobile devices and desktop devices,
  • An accompanying accountability feature that you have access to on-demand,
  • No recurring monthly charges to keep using the software. The software is COMPLETELY FREE to use. And with all the BONUSES you get for the software, it’s better than getting it for free,
  • And you get the most effective, non-intrusive NoFap porn blocker on the market.

Click here to get this software.

  1. Covenant Eyes

This is another software that has both porn blocking and accountability features in the same place.

Covenant eyes is very effective in detecting 18+ content on any website you access.

And it sends a warning to your accountability partner of these actions.

Covenant eyes often offer a 30-day free trial and various discount prices so that the software is affordable for the period of your NoFap reboot.

To access these amazing deals, click here.

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