Watching porn without masturbating is what a lot of people do.
Maybe you’re abstaining from ejaculation—maybe you’re doing the NoFap challenge or semen retention, you might think that you can watch porn without ejaculating and still have your streak intact.

Watching porn seems harmless on the surface.
After all, you’re just watching two or three or four strangers having sex with each other (depending on your kink).
What could be the harm in that?
From the creepy sound of that last sentence, you can deduce that a lot is wrong with watching porn.
But I get ahead of myself.
If you stick around till the end of this post, you’ll learn the fact that porn without masturbation is nothing but evil.
Watching porn destroys lives. There’s no doubt about that!!
The research is conclusive!!!
What you will learn
Effects of watching porn without masturbating
You get addicted to porn easily
As you watch porn without masturbating, it’s easier for you to increase your porn-watching time.
And the more hours you spend watching porn, the more you get addicted to it.

Porn is much easier to get addicted to than masturbating.
Because high-speed internet porn is one of the few things in life that can overstimulate your reward pathway.
When you watch porn, your brain’s flooded with huge amounts of dopamine.
And since the brain is built to crave more dopamine, your brain starts craving more and more porn.
Porn trains your brain to be creepy
When the dopamine that porn keeps secreting gets too much for your brain, your brain reduces the number of dopamine receptors it secretes—to protect itself.
With time, you won’t be getting the level of satisfaction you used to get from porn.
You’ll need to watch more and more porn to get your dopamine hit.
The messed-up part is that not only will your porn-watching time increase, but you’ll also need to watch more hardcore and escalated sexual materials to get off—to get that dopamine hit.
You might have noticed that you’re starting to like watching very hardcore porn like rape, gangbang, orgy, and so on.
If you don’t stop watching porn, it gets to the stage where you’ll need to watch porn videos that are the opposite of your sexual orientation.
For instance, as a straight person, you might start enjoying gay porn or shemale porn.
Porn muddles up your brain and you get brain fog

When you watch porn up to a certain point, all you think about is porn sex and porn sexual fantasies.
These porn sexual fantasies invade and violate your mind without your permission.
They come to you when you’re working on your school projects, when you’re at work, when you’re with your lover, or when you’re at the oval office shaking the president’s hand.
With the constant stimulation of your limbic system when you watch porn, your prefrontal cortex starts getting impaired.
And your prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain that’s responsible for your working memory.
This is where you store short-term data that you need to recall on the spot.
What you notice is that as you watch more and more porn, you start becoming more and more forgetful.
You start forgetting birthdays, where you put your car keys, what you wanted to do in the room you just entered, what to say to carry a conversation forward, and so on.
You’ll also notice that you find it difficult to focus on a task for a long period.
You start giving off creepy vibes

Porn treats its actors as objects used for sex.
Your brain subliminally picks up this message and you start objectifying the people you come in contact with.
But humans are intrinsically intelligent beings—especially females.
So, most people you come in contact with intrinsically know that you’re a creepy porn addict that’s sexually objectifying them with every creepy glance, and every creepy word that comes flying out of your mouth.
Porn drains you!!

If you think masturbation is what will drain you the most, think again.
You can do this little experiment of masturbating without porn and see if you’ll get tired as much as you get tired if you masturbate with porn.
This happens because when you watch porn, a lot of chemicals are secreted in your brain.
These chemicals (like dopamine, oxytocin, and prolactin) combined give you a form of temporary euphoria (highness).
But the comedown effect of this euphoria is a combination of mental and physical fatigue.
Porn will waste your precious time

What you’re doing when you watch porn without masturbating is called edging.
And there’s no greater timewaster out there than edging.
Because when you watch porn, dopamine is secreted—and it makes you feel good.
But when you masturbate, you orgasm; and prolactin is secreted. This prolactin counters the effects of dopamine.
So, when you masturbate and orgasm, you’re done.
Compare this to prolonged hours of watching porn only.
You keep getting huge waves of dopamine and you’ll want to stretch it out to keep the dopamine train going.
30 minutes become 1 hour. 1 hour becomes 2. And 2 hours becomes 3 hours.
The prolonged dopamine spike will leave you always wanting more.
Porn will 9 out of 10 times lead you to masturbation
In my experience, people don’t last long on porn alone.
Porn and masturbation often go hand in hand (no pun intended).
Porn will always give you the promise of orgasm. And the quickest way to orgasm is to masturbate.
So long as this lure of orgasm is wired in porn, you’ll always end up masturbating.
Let’s say you’re on some sort of NoFap challenge or semen retention streak, watching porn without masturbating will eventually lead you to a relapse.
That means you end up where you didn’t want to go in the first place.
So far, we’ve been discussing the effects of watching porn without masturbating.
Now, let’s look at the other side of the coin. Let’s look at the effects of masturbating without porn.

When I say masturbating without porn, I mean porn in all its forms.
I’m talking masturbation without hardcore porn, soft porn, or even fantasizing porn thoughts.
Dr. Glover talked about this type of masturbation in his book No More Mr. Nice Guy.
This is the healthiest form of masturbation there is.
Although it also has its negative side effects if overdone, the benefits of this form of masturbation are helpful.
So, the next list you’re about to go through is me showing you the side-effects of masturbating—and me making a case that if you’re going to masturbate at all, do it without porn.
Effects of masturbating without porn
It drains you. But not as much as when you do it with porn
You should try masturbating without porn sometimes.
And compare your energy levels to when you masturbate with porn.
You’ll notice a huge difference in your energy levels.
You’ll see that you’re not as tired when you’re done masturbating without porn.
This difference in energy levels is caused by the removal of the huge dopamine—that you get from porn—from the equation.
The higher the dopamine secreted when you’re PMOing, the more the prolactin that’s secreted when you finally orgasm—to counter the effects of the dopamine.
Prolactin is a hormone that kills off excitement, causes fatigue, and makes you feel like there’s no reason to get an erection again.
So, when there is no porn in the equation, the rate at which dopamine is secreted is reduced.
Consequently, the prolactin secreted won’t be much—which means less fatigue after orgasm.
It relieves stress and sexual tension
This is another benefit of masturbating without porn.
Maybe you’re in a situation where you can’t have sex, there’s no harm in masturbating without porn.
When you orgasm this way, you relieve the sexual tension and you feel a sense of calm and clarity.
Masturbating this way once in a while is a good way to relieve stress.
It’s when you do it too much that it becomes a problem.
You can get addicted to it
Just like you can get addicted to watching porn too much, you can also get addicted to masturbating too much.
And any form of compulsive addiction is bad for you.
It signifies a lack of control.
And when you’re not in control of a particular habit, the habit controls you.
And gradually, the habit starts affecting some areas of your life.
Your genitals can become desensitized
Masturbating too much can lead to a form of erectile dysfunction for men.
And it can cause reduced sensitivity in the sexual parts of females—which can cause loss of interest in partnered sex for women.
Men that masturbate too much without lubrication—the death grip—stand the risk of desensitizing their penis to other stimulants except their hand.
And they mostly suffer from the delayed ejaculation form of erectile dysfunction.
Verdict on watching porn without masturbation
You’ve seen all the devastating effects of porn on the brain.
Porn is the main culprit that you should look to eradicate from your life.
If you don’t get rid of it, your brain won’t get rebalanced. And you’ll continue to suffer the consequences.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything to add or subtract, use the comment section below.
And lastly, share this post with others. You never know who you might help by doing so.
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9 thoughts on “7 side-effects of watching porn without masturbating”
Very Powerful article
Reading the book “Atomic Habits” will add huge benefits as well.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the insightful contribution Hamza.
Atomic Habits is a book that changed my life and one I can’t stop recommending.
Hamza I literally watch your channel. I came here because I was horny and was about to break my streak, thank you for changing my life man.
Hamza if this is you, I love you so much you have changed my life for ever!
Also this is an great article with great knowledge!
Great article
Thank you for the informative article. I’ve recognized some of the patterns that you speak of and can now be more cognizant of them,.
Glad you found the article helpful!
my wife does no sex to me i have jerked off for 37 years , it was o.k. i miss pussy badly. now i can’t jerk off due to no feeling in my cock. i am going grazy as what to do. suffering in florida
You need to find a way to lay off masturbating for a while so as to return sensitivity in your john john